Whether it be spring time or the end of summer, get some planning tips and ideas for cleaning up areas around your yard.


Plan ahead of time what needs to be cleaned. If there’s too much to do at one time, divide it into several weekend sessions.


Get your tools in order to get the job done; wheelbarrow, rake, shovel, chainsaw, shears, loppers, etc.


Will you be hauling away the trash yourself to the landfill? Call ahead of time to get the dumping hours. Have a pick-up truck and/or trailer ready to fill and parked in a convenient location for loading. Rent any equipment if necessary.

Scheduled Hauling

Some communities have free curbside pick-up service as part of their garbage service. Take advantage of it. Find out ahead of time what can / cannot be thrown out, how big the pile and the pieces put on it can be, and when it will be picked up. Tackle the clean-up jobs that will require hauling to be done first so everything will be on the pile on the pick-up date. Save the other non-hauling jobs for later.


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